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diamond news

The Natural Diamond Industry’s Awakening: Hope For a Brighter Future?

TL;DR:The diamond industry post-JCK shows signs of a comeback for natural diamonds amidst challenges and uncertainties. Amidst the shifting tides of the diamond industry, whispers have emerged post-JCK, hinting at a potential revival of natural diamonds. This article examines the…

Revolution in Lab Diamond Growth with Liquid Metal: A Paradigm Shift

TL;DR: Novel lab diamond growth method in liquid metal at ambient pressure offers significant implications for scientific research, scalability in industrial applications, and potential technological advancements. This article examines a recent research article by Yan Gong and a team of…

The Diamond Market in 2024

Uncover the transformative trends shaping the diamond market in 2024, from lab-grown gems to the rising allure of misfit stones.

The US Imposed Sanctions on Russian Diamonds: Now Rolling Them Back

TL;DR The US stance on the G7 Russian diamond ban reflects a cautious approach towards addressing the complexities of the diamond industry and international relations. The ongoing reevaluation underscores the importance of balancing economic, geopolitical, and industry interests for a…

How Does Marketing Influence the Purchase of Lab-Grown Diamonds?

See how strategic marketing transforms consumer perceptions and drives the demand for lab-grown diamonds by highlighting their ethical and environmental benefits.

Predictions for the Lab-Grown Diamond Market and Consumer Acceptance

Know the key trends and predictions shaping the lab-grown diamond market and consumer acceptance; discover what's driving this eco-friendly luxury revolution.

About By Pariah Jewellery

Marvel at By Pariah Jewellery's fusion of Caribbean flair and sustainable luxury, and discover how each piece tells a story of heritage and craftsmanship…

India Shields The Russian Diamond Industry: A Strategic Move

India’s recent actions in supporting Russia through importing crude oil and revitalizing the Russian diamond industry have raised eyebrows in the international community. This article explores the implications of India’s strategic decisions. India’s strategic manoeuvres in 2024 have placed it…

Lab Diamonds Sold as Naturals: Use Powerful Detection Equipment to Uncover Deception!

Unveil the technologies that distinguish lab-grown diamonds from natural ones, safeguarding the jewelry industry's integrity and…

The Synthetic Diamond Dilemma: Navigating Sustainability, Ethics, and Market Realities

Synthetic diamonds lose their luster as environmental and ethical concerns rise; prompting a reevaluation of their role in sustainable jewelry.